A few moments of
reading pleasure in return
for an evening of sensual
October Bacchanalia
To My Mother
Lou Alice
I know it’s hard to
go thru the desert—but
know that God is holding
your hand and I
am holding you in
my heart.
I love you—and
ache for you
your daughter No. III
Priscilla IV
Dear Duncan,
Truth and beauty shine
brightly by any name—this volume
has brought much of both to me and
I hope it may to you.
December 1979
If you have a goal in life
that takes a lot of energy
that incurs a great deal of
interest and that is a
challenge to you, you
will always look forward
to waking up to see what
the new day brings.
If you find people in your
life that understand you
completely—that share your
ideas and believe in everything
you do, you will always
look forward to the night
because you will never be
I hope this book brings
you as much enjoyment and peace
as it has brought me.
Locke likes lyrics And leonines
And Charlie Chaplin
Locke likes sirloins
And chocolate cake
I do hope Locke likes
William Blake
To Stan,
I cannot allow other common
friendships to be placed in the same line
with ours. I have as much knowledge of
them as another and of the most perfect
of their kind, but I should not advise any-
one to measure them with the same rule;
he would be much mistaken. In those other
friendships one has to walk with one’s
bridle in one’s hand, prudently and
cautiously: the knot is not tied so tightly
but that it will cause some misgiving —
— But in the other kind where we
exhibit the very depths of our heart and
make no reservations, truly all the springs
of action must be perfectly ‘clear and true’.”
from Dicky, APRIL ‘45
Dear Cook,
This may not be light reading,
But it may be something you
can empathize with.
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Frances + Bob
28 Oct. 1995
Newport News, VA
For my dear friend, Bob,
“Good books, like good
friends, are few and
chosen; the more select,
the more enjoyable.”
-Louisa May Alcott